All donations will be used for the good of the marine life and children of Raja Ampat!
Here’s what we can do with your donation:
10 USD: restore 1 m2 of degraded reef
We place fencing on dead coral rubble to provide a stable substrate for new coral
50 USD: create 5 m2 of new coral habitat
We transplant coral fragments on structures to create new habitat for marine life
200 USD: stabilize 25 m2 of dead coral rubble
We build large zig-zag structures to stop rubble from smothering healthy coral colonies
25 USD: give 1 book on plastic pollution to a remote village
We send the “Ocean Warriors” book, specifically written for children of Raja Ampat
100 USD: distribute school materials for 50 children
We provide essential materials to the schools when we visit remote villages
500 USD: Full week of conservation activities in a remote village
Enables us complete a full week visit to a remote community and playfully familiarize children with the ideas of sustainability, conservation and marine ecology